6 Ways I Do Business Differently

Have you ever noticed that there isn’t really a space for women who want to do business according to the Bible?

I’m not saying that there isn’t anyone out there doing this, but I’ve only ever really seen it mixed with typical “boss babe business” lingo. Hot words include “Law of Attraction”, “Manifestation”, “Intentions”, etc. I don’t believe that these practices are what God has called us to and I so I’ve decided that I want to create a space where you can simply come and be and learn. Business tips and principles backed up by Scripture- a place where you won’t be pushed to work harder and give more. Hard work is important, yes, but you need encouragement and tools to actually make the most out of your time. I’m going to go out on a limb and say you’re probably already feeling overwhelmed and that everyone just wants to “take, take, take”- the last thing you need is someone adding more onto your plate. That’s where I think we can do things a little bit differently. I want Further + Free to be a space where you feel supported and find comfort in what you’re doing and find solutions to easily swap out for the things that you want to take off your plate. Let’s do this in a way that honors God and empowers you to honor your body and family space too? I’ve never seen it before. So, welcome!

Feel free to read through my main six principles below and why these are important to me. They’re not necessarily the popular way to do things- some of them aren’t even the easiest- but we can do hard things, especially when they’ll end up giving us more freedom in the end. Ya feel? Okay, cool. Let’s dive in.

Prayer > Manifestation

We release our businesses, expectations and results to God. I promise He can do it better than any amount of our own willpower could possibly do. I don't mess around with this and you won't see me talking about manifestation, law of attraction or any of the other pagan practices. Other Christians may do that but I have the strong belief that it is not something we should mess with. Pray about it if it triggers you in any way.

Sabbath > 24/7 Hustle

We have to take time to dedicate back to the Lord and back to rest. I work a 5 day week. Sometimes I take half days and sprinkle in a bit of work on weekends but chunks of rest are a must. I encourage you to do the same. The work will still be there Monday morning. Your family may not be. Your ability to go to church and spend time in the Bible may not be. Our days are numbered and we ought not to take those things for granted.

Social Life > Constant Networking

I see so many women who only leave their work space to network and try to build their businesses. Even personal conversations end up turning into pitches. Now, it's not wrong to want to build your business and networking is good, getting your name out there is a good thing! But there is a line and you must have a social life outside of your business. You need time to decompress. You need friends and community who you can do life with and you won't have that if they know they're only ever going to get a business pitch out of your interactions. Strive for balance and enjoy time away from your business.

Rest > Burnout

This directly links to my last point but you have to rest. I mean truly rest. You have to take care of yourself and that means sleeping 8-9 hours a night. (Laughable to some moms, I get it.) Strive to go to bed at the same time every night and get in a sleep rhythm. Your brain and body will keep up so much better. Take breaks and vacations from work. Owning your business gives you flexibility in your hours and that's awesome, but some of us don't know how to shut it off (me🙋🏼‍♀️)- but if we don't take time to rest we will have burn out.

Health > Exhaustion

This correlates to rest and burnout. Your health matters. If you're not healthy, who is going to run your business? Unless you have massive infrastructure set up to accommodate for anytime you're out of commission- your business and paycheck is relying on you to show up. This means you must invest time and money and energy into your health. You will see a return on this investment in your productivity and the energy you're able to give to your clients and projects. Fuel your body, move your body, stay aware of the amount of time you're sitting, the amount of time spent in from of a device and be intentional about taking care of yourself.

Family Time > Workaholic

I can't say this enough, especially to those of you who have littles. Put the phone down. Close the laptop. Get on their level and play. Make date nights a priority. Close up shop when your husband gets home and give him time and attention. Don't stop fostering your relationships in your home. One day, your business could be gone, give the time and attention to your family so that they will still be there and you will actually know them. Your family is your lifeline, make sure to give them attention and love- don't cut them off in the process of trying to make money. Include them in the process as much as you can and set hard boundaries around when you will work so that you can still enjoy time with them. Those are the moments that matter and that you will remember and that will leave a legacy.

Can you relate to any of the above?

Are there any new-to-you practices that you want to adopt in your own life? Comment below or on my IG post and let me know!




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