Bringing Email Back?

I know, I know.

Email is.. well, on the technological scale- ancient history. That is until big tech censorship came into play.

I've never been an email person.

They drive me crazy. I would always choose communicating on social media over communicating via email.

But now I've experienced 2020 and I saw influencer after influencer lose their platform to an insane overstep of *very choosy* censorship and ridiculous algorithms. Not only does it feel impossible to reach people, but you're constantly holding your breath that big tech won't go after whatever your niche is that day. We have to super careful about following or unfollowing people because at any point, even association can get you shadow-banned. It's even going around that they'll be going through your messages and posts from years ago to choose which accounts to keep around. (I've seen firsthand one of these things already.) For belonging to a group that shouts against "echo chambers" they're sure getting good at creating one.

That being said, I'm not taking my chances anymore.

I've decided to reignite my email list and treat it like the #1 thing I missed the most in 2020: coffee dates.

You know, when we used to show up to a public place with friends and update them on the happenings of our lives?

Enrich each other's souls? Yeah, that.

Every Monday I'll be showing up with a quick word of encouragement and a little update with all of my content.

I think this is a great way to help my followers by delivering my content all in one little neat package.

One of my goals is to help people be more present with themselves and the world. Hopefully this will help people spend less time on social media because if you're not always waiting for the algorithm to finally show you a creator's content, it's just there for the taking, your phone sessions will be much shorter.

My goal is to do a weekly roundup and a short (200 words or less) encouragement with a weekly theme.

Especially as I'm starting to transition away from using Coil as my blog and social media is, well, super iffy for *alerts* because there's just SO much, if you want to keep following me I'd love to have you join my coffee dates list. I do respond to emails and I think it would be a fun way to keep in touch with all of ya'll.

If you'd like to join, click here to fill in your name and email and then you should get a confirmation email. Make sure to click the confirmation button and you'll be good to go! You'll get a quick welcome email and then you'll start hearing from me every Monday.

Let's bring email back, shall we?

xoxo - Ry

Interested in starting your own email list?

I've tried a ton of different platforms but I've never loved one more than I love Flodesk. The interface is so incredibly simple, the templates are stunning and the workflows are so easy to set up. 10/10 recommend. I do have an affiliate link but it comes with a major bonus, 50% off your plan- forever. So instead of $38 a month, it's only $19. Sign up here to get that discount!


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