Devotion: Bravery

God has recently put it on my heart to start doing devotions of some sort.

I’m not exactly sure what this looks like, how often I’ll be doing them or even how structured they’ll be, but I’m guessing it’s all going to depend on what God wants me to share and when, so we’ll start there.

This last week my heart was really set on bravery.

I’m not sure why, to be frank, I haven’t felt very brave lately. In fact I’ve actually been dealing with an increase fear and anxiety without much explanation. I haven’t fully worked through that yet but I find when feelings come up, it’s usually because God is tearing down a wall and exposing something within me to make it new and beautiful again. Throughout this process He’s given me little words of encouragement and verses to meditate on. I’ve been encouraged and felt in some ways, more brave than I have in awhile. In other ways I’ve felt extremely exposed and vulnerable. That is what I believe I’m being called to speak on right now and share some of the things that He has been doing in my life. I’m not sure who this is for, but I feel it is for someone specific and I know God will bring you, whoever you are, right to this page to read, listen and have your heart opened up to whatever He has next for you. I encourage that after you watch this video that you go ahead and pick up a copy of “100 Days To Brave” by Annie F. Downs. Throughout major transformations in my life, that book has walked alongside me and guided me in moments that I thought I was truly alone. It has pointed me back to God and helped me come to peace with the unknowns- the sign of any solid devotional- it’s always pointed me back to the Bible and solid truth. If you have anything you feel like you need to talk about or a prayer request, feel free to comment below, message me on Instagram - @riley_quin or email me at I hope that you enjoy this video and that you’re able to glean something from it to take with you this week.

xoxo - Ry


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