Dreams Come, Dreams Go.

How easy is it for you to dream?

Do you quickly fall into hazes where you picture the future full of possibility and exciting moments?

Do you find yourself staying in that place of hope and excitement? Or do you, like most of the world, myself included, knock yourself right out of that state and back into reality before you have time to even let it flourish?

I've had a lot of dreams.

I've had a lot of dreams come true, desires that were so deeply rooted that even some of my closest friends were unaware of them.

Then I've had dreams that have come and went in the blink of an eye.

Then there's the dreams that I think about often. The ones that I don't know how to make happen, or at least they can't happen yet. They're the one that continue to evolve and grow and marinate and when the day is right the pieces start to fall into place and I'm able to pursue it. Some dreams are more easily pursuable than others, but nonetheless I go after them.

One dream in particular was to create a brand for myself, one where I could genuinely help women and share their stories. One where I could utilize my writing skills and invite people into sharing their lives with me in hopes that we'd become a more understanding and loving generation of women.

I've tried this over the years, many times, but it never quite worked. That is, until this year, when it was supposed to work.

It's interesting to me that when we talk about dreams we rarely talk about how they can start and evolve and die off and come back again. When referring to broken dreams we often reminisce on "what could've been" rather than what could still be.

I think it's easy to get wrapped up in failure and feel like for every dream we only have one shot. When in reality, that's the furthest thing from the truth.

Every time I failed- the flourish program 1.0, 2.0 & 3.0, my business where I was empowering women to build their own businesses & stop settling for a life they didn't love- I thought it was over.

Three times I failed and three times I thought I was done.

But sometimes you just need to live a little more life experience and the right timing to make a good idea better and for everything to fall into place.

When we let go of what we thought a dream would look like and let it take flight and reshape itself, sometimes we find what we never knew we always wanted.

In my case I thought for sure I was supposed to help entrepreneurs. Now I know that in reality I am supposed to be open to helping far more people than that get through situations that I’ve been through myself.

My original dream came back, it just looks a little different than I thought it would. But that appears to be a good thing.

It’s not been easy to let go, but it’s been worth it.

It’s funny because although dreams are always hard work to fulfill, when it’s the right timing and place and circumstances- it just seems to feel easy. The words roll off your tongue, the ideas continue to flow and things just work.

If I had to give any advice it’s that, you can push against the resistance all you want, but you may just be better off taking a break and stepping back to see the bigger picture. While you were pushing on a wall that just wouldn’t come down, a few feet to the left was a door for you to walk right through. By stepping back you can see the door and step into your dream refreshed and ready to work hard.

So what dreams have you given up on?

Are you working on one right now that’s giving you a lot of trouble?

Have you rested, prayed, meditated or stepped back from it?

I encourage you to, you may just be surprised at how quickly and easily things fall into place- it may just look a bit different than you expected it to.

Here’s to following our dreams!

xoxo - Ry


You Can Quit.


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