Say “Yes”


I am usually an advocate for saying “no”. Don’t load yourself up too much. Don’t take chances. Save the money. Play it safe. I don’t go for spontaneous. I avoid situations that aren’t perfectly planned or that would stress me out. I’ve probably missed out on a lot in my life because of it, but I’ve also managed to stay out of trouble and I haven’t gotten myself into a bad place financially. I’m also a homebody and somewhat of an introvert so I prefer to say no, stay home and watch tv. It’s not the healthiest habit, I’m aware, but it’s safe.

Last week I was presented with the opportunity to go on a trip with Dustin’s family. I’d have to leave Dustin behind and I’d have only a few hours to pack. I’d have to get up early to drive to where we were meeting to leave from. I’d have to ride in someone else’s car and be at their mercy the entire trip. I’d have to work while I was there because I had a work project due Thursday. I didn’t know where I was going to sleep, if I’d have enough diapers and formula to last me the whole week, how everything would be paid for and if I could handle it all without Dustin. And oddly enough, something came over me and I said yes.

I almost canceled like 30 times because packing that last minute was stressing me out and trying to get everything in order before we left in the wee hours of the morning seemed impossible. But I kept pushing through because I felt like I was supposed to go.

Ya’ll, it was so much fun.

For the first time in my life I went with the flow of the people around me for an entire week and God provided.


He not only provided financially but He provided the help I needed with Hayden, a bed to sleep in, spiritual revelations, peace being away from Dustin, extensions on work projects, the most beautiful sights I had ever seen in the mountains and God met me right there among the birds and the changing leaves. I got to slow down and enjoy time with Hayden without the responsibility of meals and laundry and enjoy his playtime and see the world how He did. I got to hand him off and enjoy time by myself too. I had such good family time and became even closer to my in-laws than I already was. Hayden got to spend time with all of his cousins and his Nana and his Nanny. I got to see a part of the state I had never seen before, go to a new state (North Carolina) and take in the beautiful sights of a path that isn’t often taken. It was precious.


I know it could’ve gone south in so many ways. I know that some hiccups could have become major things, but I kept my cool and I kept the mindset that God was taking me on an adventure that week and I just had to keep saying “yes”. So. Worth. It.

I invite you to ask God where he wants to take you next. Is it a new job? A new town? A vacation? What is something He’s inviting you into that doesn’t necessarily make sense? I invite you to trust that He’s got you and lean into it. He’s going to sweep you off your feet and remind you just how much He loves you. So be obedient. Say yes and enjoy the ride.


Be Present


The Grey Area