Hayden Is Two Months

Hey friends!

Hayden is two months old today! And let me tell ya, I'm a little less put together than ever. I forgot his 2 month plaque for his picture and he's now soundly sleeping, covered in spit up so that ship has sailed.

Anyways, we've had a pretty good second month. He's sleeping really well at night which I feel very blessed about. He's almost 11 pounds now, if not over that at this point. I love his little chins, squishy cheeks and thigh rolls that are developing. They're my favorite.

As always, Hayden has been making us laugh with his many faces but my favorite thing he learned how to do this month is smile. He is such a happy baby but he's definitely a morning boy, unlike his mama. We seem to be happy at opposite times of day which I'm working on because I want to be a happier, more present & more patient mama.

Hayden is doing really well with independent play on his mat, swing time and I feel like I'm finally starting to get back to me because I have time to do so.

I've started working again which has been interesting but we're figuring it out. I've also started working out again and I'm really thrilled to have a morning routine once again.

I've had good days and bad days with my postpartum depression but I'm finding that the more time I spend out of the house the better I feel. Right now it's my goal to leave at least twice by myself and once with Dustin a week. So far it's made a huge difference but I'm still verbally processing and trying to face my feelings everyday so they don't build up.

Well that's this month update! Here's a little recap of Hayden's second month of life. This video is much more fun because I have a ton of clips of him laughing & jabbering. I can't wait for next month's video I'm sure it'll be even more fun.

Thanks again for all of the love, we appreciate your love & support.

xoxo – Ry


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Nursing Essentials + Postpartum Update