Made For More… Of What?

You know that feeling when you're doing everything but it's... just not working?

You're checking off every box.

You're exhausted from doing all of the things but you're not reaping any reward.

The work has been done but the results aren't there.

I've been there, a few times actually. Safe to say, that feeling sucks.

It can quickly morph into feeling like a failure or you go crazy because you're always looking for “the missing piece” that would just make you successful.

But I have a proposition for you. Something I want you to think about.

Have you ever once thought that maybe that thing you're working so hard at and trying all of the methods to be successful at- maybe you were never supposed to be doing that thing in the first place?

Maybe, and stick with me here, you were made for more than that but you're so focused on what you're trying to do that you're missing the bigger picture.

You were made for more than... broken relationships.

You were made for more than.. constant disappointment .

You were made for more than... “the best” you could come up with.

You were made for more than... late nights that lead to dead ends.

You were made for more than... the worst case scenario.

So stop settling. Because that's not “as good as it gets”.

Now I get a lot of motivational speakers will say “don't ever give up”. But I have something to add to that.

Don't ever give up.. on yourself- but give yourself permission to give up on the things that were never yours in the first place.

Oftentimes we get ideas of things we'd like to do, but rather than take them with a grain of salt and think them through and pray about whether or not that's what we're supposed to be doing, we just dive in head first. Now it's great to be spontaneous but the holding on for dear life when you're clearly supposed to move on is the issue.

I've found myself holding on to people, creative projects (books, music) and travel plans and the more I got entangled in them, the worse the heartbreak was when I finally let go.

But you know what's even better than those dreams I had?

Stepping into the things that were intended for me.

It was like my dreams happening, but even better. They moved without issue, everything just flowed and I finally happy and at peace. That's when you know that it's for you.

So stop robbing yourself of that peace and joy. Let go and move on because something beautiful and exciting is around the corner.

The beauty is you don't have to figure it out because there is a creator who has an even better imagination than we could ever have who has it all set up for you.

All you have to do is let go and step into it.

You were made for more.

xoxo – Ry


Mental Health: Coping & Supporting


Hayden Is Two Months